Kayte Gyles
Delta Controls
Published:October 25 2019
Delta Controls Technical Roadshows
Delta Controls hosts interactive, two-day Technical Roadshows stretching across the globe!
This year Delta Controls hosted multiple interactive Technical Roadshows across North America, Europe, and Australia. We have run nine successful workshops in 2019 and will be closing out the year with our last show happening in Chicago. Each Roadshow takes place over two days, with day one focusing on our vendor showcase. Vendors interact directly with attending engineers and technical sales staff about products they're using in upcoming (and previous) projects. For a reasonable fee, vendors enjoy invaluable knowledge sharing time and an entire day of networking. They are invited to an offsite event so they can continue building relationships with attendees and our Delta staff.
Delta Controls is the focus of the second day with hands-on demonstrations, practical application learning, and question time facilitated by Product experts like David Paquin. Specific field devices, topics, and products covered this season vary. In David's words, "Delta's Technical Roadshows have been very well attended. Over 250 attendees have learned about our O3 and eZVFD product lines with presentations and hands-on labs."
Our Roadshows are less tradeshow format and have more classroom feel with a captive audience, which why it is such an excellent opportunity for all. We look forward to the final 2019 Roadshow and are excited to hold new sessions as we move into and through 2020.
For questions about our Roadshows, email marketing@deltacontrols.com.